The 2nd Universitas Lampung International Conference on Science, Technology and Environment
Promoting Synergy Through Collaborative Research in Science, Environment and Technology for Digital Transformation
Emersia Hotel & Resort Lampung, Indonesia
The University of Lampung is pleased to present the Second Universitas Lampung International Conference on Science, Technology and Environment (ULICoSTE) 2021, taking place on 27th and 28th August 2021. This event will take a model of hybrid event, combining the traditional in-person conference with the online conference via Zoom with a few presenters or participants in attendance but the majority contributing remotely to the event.
As the world is now moving toward digitalization, where technology reigns supreme, the ULICoSTE 2021 is dedicated to promoting synergy through collaborative research in science and technology for digital transformation. Therefore, the conference intends to invite scientists, scholars, researchers, and practitioners from all over the world to develop a relationship and exchange theoretical and practical ideas and knowledge whose interest is focused on collaborative interdisciplinary research in the areas of sustainable development, environmental science, remote sensing and GIS, climate change, renewable energy, and other related areas.